When we try to communicate with each other, we talk, we have to use words and gestures and it's a very difficult thing, that's all we have. It's funny that relationships are based upon that very fine tightrope that is communication. Things can go very wrong because somebody said this and it was hurtful and then you stop listening and then they decide to stop listening to you and then you have no solution...
Sketch I did at the Natural History Museum near Central Park, I liked the baby elephant
Homework Assignment about fear, ku kulx klan hood. Tattered edges that look like a halloween carved pumpkin's smile.
Supposed to be symbolic of sleep, I don't like the orange so I am going to fix it. Just a homework assignment, had to create a reproduction of a montage piece we put together, Can you tell which is the original????
Darth Vader's lesser known cousin?
pew pew
Clinton wasn't the first y'all
Adobe Illustrator- from Night of the Living Dead originally
Photoshop, I don't really like computers but it's fun to be goofy sometimes.
Audrey Hepburn with an even higher beehive.
Why do the girls always look bitchy! -Oil
Yummy, we got to eat it after painting it, -Oil
It's hanging in my bathroom lol
This guy was smoking hot and I think he had a crush on me ;)
Just a photo I took from Jersey City that I love love love of downtown Manhattan. It's so quiet on that side of the Hudson too, it was very peaceful.
One of my first oil paintings, I like the rustic feel Doesn't look that much like him but it's not horrible.
A study of legs -china marker
My attempt at a Piet Mondrian
Analogous Color Scheme- acrylic
We covered the entire sheet with compressed charcoal (I think) and then started erasing, bringing out the skull from the black.
Final Project for Life Drawing, my friend Aimee, posed as a high class woman face to face with her pothead counterpart. Doppleganger?
Just something I did on my family vacation while bored, put the loch ness monster in because my little cousins Conner and Reagan wanted me to.
I love this one, reminds me of gladiator only more fanciful, I didn't do a great job with the color though (watercolor pencils) but I never am that great with color.
Monet attempt
Final Project for Drawing 2 (click to enlarge). Featured the same landscape and put different styles of architecture in each one, I linked them up so they can be one continuous panorama but it is easier to photograph this way. Styles are: Egyptian, Greco-Roman, Asian, Turkish, Medieval, Gothic, Baroque, Industrial, Contemporary, Possible Apocolyptic Future cityscape, Nature Reclaims, Future Life on Earth?
This was my favorite piece from drawing, it's another one that deserves to be enlarged. It is a kind of diptych, with the lower half portraying the ocean floor and Poseidon intervening on the sailors behalf, warding off sea creatures and sirens that call to the ship from jagged sea rocks. The upper half features the ocean as if held up by pillars containing the ship itself, and again the perilous rocks.
This model had suffered from breast cancer and I was kinda glad she put her dress back on for the final pose, hope that doesn't offend anyone.
Self portrait -drawing myself blah
Showbiz girl, exact copy from another painting, this is old. It was my first real painting ever though, done in my high school years - acrylic
Acrylic monotone. Color Theory class
Colored Pencils- Drawing class.
Model Reading outside - I got so sunburnt!
Same model sitting at a desk, I really didn't like drawing this girl and it seemed like evryone used her for everything.
Where's Waldo-esque Roman Scene. Interesting note, some of my friends are in the crowd, including me! Another one that should be enlarged so click away to catch the detail. I don't do as much detail in my current work, which makes me a little sad.
Probably my favorite architectural landscape ever, not for any class, just started doing it one day in the summer of 07.
Tower City, something I did from my head on my family vacation to Delaware in 07.
Another High School piece, though I went back and painted the background last summer, the rest is in prisma colore pencil, which took forever.
I did the skeleton in class as an assignment but liked it so much that I went home and added in the background, now it looks like the cover to some mystery novel.
I call this one Frustration with Braces and did it a month after I had mine put on.
White conte and ink, I like the dialogue between the female and the baby.
This was for a competition to design a book jacket for The Great Gatsby, I got second place.
Some lame creepy girl, looks like Dakota Fanning kinda.
Every artists muse, the pristine bowl of fruit
I apologiz for the quality of some of these images but I had a crappy camera. This is a futuristic city I made up that I guess is vaguely remeniscent of Star Wars, with the air highways and skyscrapers piercing the clouds.
Another imaginary city, more Roman/Greek in influence than anything else. I did look at a picture for the Trireme though (The warship)
My interpretation of Troy, but who am I kidding, it looks just like the one from the movie lol.
A drag queen asked me to do this for a gay charity auction, apparently it sold. I wonder for how much...